Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Country Sausage Day School

Rebecca was awarded a day off for some superior work she's done at the Dept of Labor recently. When we realized there was a day upcoming that would be 65 and sunny, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. We planned out our Oscar excursion to an area with nice parks, playgrounds, and food; we headed to Capitol Hill.

Everyone got ready to leave...jacket for Oscar, but none for us.

Riding the Met Branch Trail south, making sure mom is still there...

First stop, Eastern Market. Oscar gets a snack, and we pick up picnic supplies (goat cheese, bread, corn thins, and limeade)...

Saw this bike while we were getting picnic supplies. I had to take a photo, not many people (other than me) would put this much work into updating an old bike (a Peugeot in this case), it looks great.

In true French fashion, Oscar can't wait to get to the park before enjoying some baguette a l'ancienne...

and a little more at the park...

and how about a few clementines. "I'd like one in each hand, because I'm not sure which hand is dominant yet."

Then it's time to play...

These loose sleeves over the poles can be played like chimes. Oscar was happy to oblige with plenty of banging on all of them.

Don't for get the tube, crawling back...

and forth...

And maybe we'll try our hand at steering...a sailboat perhaps...

Having fun is hard work, luckily there is someone to take care of the transportation...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Found in DC

I found a few dozen of these business cards in the area behind our apartment. I will let you draw your own conclusions. I'm just wondering how to pronounce "MoneyE?"

Monday, January 23, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Working Hard...

Rebecca and Oscar looking for OSHA safety hazards

For those who want to know, we've compiled a list of OSHA safety hazards depicted in the book (pending additions by Rebecca)...